Julie Koester thrives on challenge and seeks to do hard things, as taking the easy way is terribly unfulfilling.

Julie is a 25-year resident of SWFL. She has volunteered with the Conservancy of SWFL, chaired the MS Walk, lead the Columbia University Alumni Association, been a Guardian Ad Litem and is the Founding Board Chair of the Children’s Museum of Naples, for 10 years, until it opened. In her spare time, she earned two National Gold Medals in Taekwondo, is a voracious reader, food lover, passionate traveler and considers wine a form a juicing.

Julie has founded several companies in SWFL including Mr. Toad’s Toy Company, Life with Moxie, co-founded Moxie Creed, an organic skincare company, with partner Patrick Blake Renda and co-founded Dragon Horse Ad Agency with partner Patrick Blake Renda and is managed by Patrick Blake Renda, Edward Clay and Julie Koester. The one common thread through all of these companies is Julie’s insatiable want, to help people do better.

(305) 306-3992