Contact: P. Blake Renda, co-CEO


 Dragon Horse Agency’s Schreier Interior Cutting-Edge Design Video selected as a Finalist for Best Video in the SBEC 2024 Aurora Awards 13-State Competition


Naples, FL, May 28, 2024 Dragon Horse Agency announced today that its Schreier Interior Cutting-Edge Design Video was selected as a Finalist for Best Video in the SBEC 2024 Aurora Awards 13-State competition. The Florida Home Builders Association, in conjunction with the Southeast Building Conference, Friday, July 26, at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, FL, will celebrate the best of the best in the building industry, from construction to interior design to sales and marketing.

 Aurora Awards are presented annually to outstanding builders, planners, architects, developers, designers, interior merchandisers, and other housing-related professionals. Residential and Commercial construction professionals actively involved in projects located in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and the Eastern Caribbean are eligible to participate. Featuring 60 categories, the Aurora Awards encompass all facets of the residential, commercial and remodeling industries. From overall design to sustainability, the awards program offers categories for each participant in the construction industry as well as sales and marketing.

Dragon Horse Agency is a distinguished global marketing and business consulting service provider. The firm is headquartered in Naples, Florida, and maintains satellite office locations in Santa Monica, CA, and Bali, Indonesia with plans to expand to Milan, Italy.

Dragon Horse Agency takes pride in our excellence and innovative approach to tailored business and marketing solutions. Our industry-first DragonONE, integrating business strategy with a full-service marketing framework, is designed to meet each of our clients’ unique needs. By tailoring our strategy to fit our client’s specific requirements, we can provide unparalleled results and help them achieve and exceed their business goals.


“Dragon Horse Agency is fortunate to work with exceptional talent in the building and design industry and we are very fortunate to have been a past recipient of Aurora Awards. The selection as a finalist for Best Video in this year’s Aurora Awards for our Schreier Interior Cutting-Edge Design video is special, as this project pushed Dragon Horse into new frontiers, combining advanced skill sets and technologies. This entry has won several awards for excellence to date, including 2 CannesLIONS nominations. It would be “icing on the cake” to take home the Aurora Award 2024 for Best Video. This selection represents the ongoing relentless pursuit of excellence and our unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of creativity and impactful marketing for our clients, said Dragon Horse Agency co-CEO P. Blake Renda.”

 List of finalists: 2024-Aurora-Finalists-1.pdf (

Please contact P. Blake Renda, co-CEO of Dragon Horse Agency, for inquiries:


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Facebook: @dragonhorseagency






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About Dragon Horse Agency

Dragon Horse Agency is a distinguished global marketing and business consulting service provider. The firm is headquartered in Naples, Florida, and maintains satellite office locations in Santa Monica, CA, and Bali, Indonesia, with plans to expand to Milan, IT.

At Dragon Horse Agency, we take pride in our excellence and innovative approach to tailored business and marketing solutions. Our industry-first DragonONE, integrating business strategy with a full-service marketing framework, is designed to meet each of our clients’ unique needs. We believe that by tailoring our strategy to fit our clients’ specific requirements, we can provide unparalleled results and help them achieve and exceed their business goals.

About The Aurora Awards

Established in 1979, Aurora Awards are presented annually to outstanding builders, planners, architects, developers, designers, interior merchandisers and other housing-related professionals. Residential and Commercial construction professionals actively involved in projects located in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and the Eastern Caribbean are eligible to participate. Featuring 60 categories, the Aurora Awards encompass all facets of the residential, commercial and remodeling industries. From overall design to sustainability, the awards program offers categories for each construction industry participant and sales and marketing professionals.


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(305) 306-3992